the straps until the dark mesh that covered my legs was smooth and taut.

The outfit had no bra, so what came next was the dress, an intricate, strapless thing with layers of rustling white petticoats sewn into the skirt. The dress itself was jet black, cut even lower than the one Dave had been wearing earlier, and with the hem so short

that the tops of my stockings were clearly visible beneath, showing under the froth of silky white pettis that made the skirt stick out almost horizontally from my waist. As I said, the dress was strapless, buttoning securely just below my armpits, leaving my shoulders and the tops of my creamy breasts bare, contrasting excitingly with the black bodice.

I squeezed my feet into tiny, shiny shoes of black leather with four-inch heels and open toes while Mavis tied a ribbon of white lace about my throat and pinned a matching cap and apron to my hair and the front of my dress.

"All set!" She said at last, "And aren't you just the little wonder!"

"She's exquisite!" Sylvia gushed, "The perfect French Maid! Can you manage an accent, Darling?" "Oui oui, Mamselle!" I curtsied.

"Beautiful!" Claire cheered, "We'll call you Fifi! Now Fifi, go downstairs and see if our hostesses need help with Dinner. Of course, you'll serve us at the meal and eat afterwards by yourself in the kitchen. Get started now, and don't forget to curtsey before you go."

I bobbed obediently, noting in the mirror that this movement exposed my pantied bottom completely. "Veree goood, Madame," I smiled and minced off downstairs to a torrent of giggles from my hiking companions.

My feelings as I did so were oddly surprising to me. I hated the feminine condition I was stuck in, hated my brief costume and lowly Maid's status, and absolutely loathed the name Fifi. But somehow, the feel of being dressed again, the comforting sensation of cloting even this clothing on my naked limbs was undeniably delightful. I was dressed! And un-bound!


I wanted to enjoy the freedom of stepping in these heels with my legs unhampered, wanted to bask in the tingle of my tight panties and rustling petticoats. And more than ever, I wanted never never never to be naked again! I resolved then and there to do everything I could to please my bizarre hosts and demanding companions and give them no excuse at all to take these pretty things

away from me.

And so it was that I prepared the dinner, served it flawlessly to the assembled company (Roger and Dave had dressed for the occasion in matching pink formals) and poured wine for everyone throughout the meal and brandy afterwards.

I noticed, though, as I filled and re-filled the glasses that everyone seemed to be imbibing rather freely. Since everyone there except me was openly gay, the subject turned to alternate lifestyles, and our hosts, who were a doctor and a lawyer in normal life, began telling stories of some of the bizarre lifestyles they had encountered. Running back and forth from the Dining Room to the Kitchen, I didn't hear much of the conversation, but I could tell that Roger and Dave were monopolizing it, holding everyone spellbound with their interesting stories. I could also tell, as I scurried in to refill her glass, that Mavis was chafing a bit under her polite silence. As a natural leader and a writer as well, she was unused to the role of Listener, and I could see that she didn't like it.

"Oh that's nothing at all," I heard her say as

I returned to the kitchen for a fresh bottle, "I could tell you a story that...."

Her words were lost to me as the kitchen door swung shut behind me. As quickly as I could, I uncorked the new bottle and scampered back into the Dining Room with it. Everyone was laughing as I entered, over something Mavis had said, but as soon as I entered she fell abruptly silent.

"Go on, "Dave prompted her, "What did you get him to do next?" "Just a moment," Mavis turned to me. "Fifi,' " She ordered, "Just leave the bottle here. I'm sure you want to wash and dry the dishes and put them away, so leave us alone until you've finished. We'll call if we need you."

"Oui Mamselle," I curtsied obediently and left the room, wondering what they had been talking about.

It may have been my imagination, but when I returned almost an hour later, it seemed to me as if everyone was looking at me somehow differently. As if they all knew something I didn't, or something I didn't know they knew.

"I can see it now," Roger said, eyeing me as I crossed the room to pick up his glass. "Yes, once you know, it's apparent. All the clues are there."

Wondering at his comments, I bent over next to him and suddenly felt a knowing pinch on my bottom.